In one phrase, let me tell you what I did this month... Here goes... Work, Bible study, Avengers premiere, community garage sale, garagesaleing, church, work, Awana, work, Avengers, Awana sleepover planning, Bible study meeting, work, church, work, field day planning, work, grandparent's arrival, work, Bible study meeting, work, Awana sleepover, work, sister's graduation, Avengers, church, grandparent's departure, Bible study meeting, work, Awana, field day, The Preakness in Baltimore, The Inner Harbor in Baltimore, work, last day of school planning, huge costco trip to get all the soda for the church picnic season, last day of school, work, work, work...
I am sure I missed something...
Nevertheless, things are finally starting to wind down... School ended, and Awana ends next week... And then I am home free... Summer is a blank slate that I have to set new plans on... :)
One thing I do already have planned is ballroom dancing lessons... I have been in contact with this dance studio since the beginning of the year, but was never able to go through with lessons because they are so expensive... But I decided to use the last paychecks from the school to buy the first level of lessons... My first lesson is tomorrow... Wish me luck... ;)
Another thing I want to do this summer is go to the beach... Really really really bad... I don't know how it is going to happen, but I will get there if I have to hitchhike...
Is anyone else excited about all the movies that are coming out this summer??? It started with The Hunger Games (which I saw 3 times) and then The Avengers (which I have also seen three times... so far ;))... And coming soon we have Men in Black 3, Prometheus, Brave, The Amazing Spiderman, The Dark Knight Rises, and the Bourne Legacy... To name a few!!!!! I haven't seen a line up like this in years!!!! It's gonna be big... ;)
And to tie it all together... Are you the type that is always waiting to enjoy life at some future, less busy time??? Do you ever think "Oh, I just need to get past this one event and then I will be able to relax"???
What I want to know is is that the question we should be asking ourselves... Should we be bracing ourselves against life's winds or loosing our sails to catch the wind??? Should we be putting off enjoying life until we "have time"??? I think that it is in these super insanely busy times that we need to thrive... Because the truth is, is there will always be another thing that comes up... There will never be a time when we aren't busy... So learn to enjoy it!!!
*disclaimer* I don't pretend to be a good writer and it's late so don't judge... ;)
Loved your post! Way to go, taking the plunge with the dance lessons! =)I've been contemplating taking Salsa lessons myself.....
Thanks!!!!! I just love encouraging comments... :)
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