Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Well, it is that time of year again... Time for New Year's Resolutions. It is hard to believe that it has been a year since I have made my last resolution list. I will post my 2012 list and go over how I did before making my new list... :)

2012 To Do List
1) Start learning French
*Didn't end up starting this, but I am taking French 101 this semester so it is going to happen... :)
2) Go to the Preakness
3) Visit the Ferrars
*very fun trips :)
4) Go to the chiropractor
5) Use up all the yarn I own
*Ha, I don't think I even knitted a whole dish cloth... Maybe I will pick up knitting again this year... Maybe not :)
6) Update my blog once a week
*Well, I did ok in the summer 0:)
7) Start exercising
*not likely
8) Read all the books I own
*not even close
9) Get promoted (to what I don't know yet)
*I didn't end up getting a different job, but I did get an interview... From that interview, my name has been put on a list that will be kept for a year. If a position opens up, that list is what they choose from :)
10) Enlarge my wardrobe
*done :)
11) Organize all my belongings
*I don't think I will ever get everything organized to my liking
12) Organize the garage
13) See The Avengers on opening night
14) See The Hunger Games on opening night
*Oh yeah... And The Hobbit and Les Miserables :)
15) Go to the beach... a lot
*once... resolved to do better this year :)
16) Lose 15 pounds
*more like gained... But I have a diet plan that I am going to be implementing soon :)
17) Match my purse with my outfit more often
*done :)
18) Lessen soda intake
19) Walk the GW parkway more often
*not so much
20) Get pedicures regularly
*waaay too expensive around here
21) Get a smart phone
*sadly, no
22) Be more diligent in my Bible reading
* "more" is a relative term :)
23) Memorize poetry
24) Memorize more Scripture
25) Learn ballroom, Latin, and swing dancing
*I took some lessons, but they were very expensive so I had to quit... But I am taking Ballroom Dancing as my PE credit this semester so hopefully I will get better
26) Find the perfect bathing suit
27) Get and maintain a good tan
28) Wear more hats
29) Look good in skinny jeans
30) Make baby blankets for the crisis pregnancy center
31) Volunteer for the Wounded Warriors
32) Complete a sewing project
*haha, that's funny 
33) Learn to knit cables
*hopefully this year
34) Ride the metro more often
*again, hopefully this year
35) REALLY visit all the Smithsonians
*I did go to the National Gallery of Art in November and I have almost solid plans to go again with a friend... Hopefully before the year is out
36) Follow politics more closely
* agian, "more" is a relative term
37) Wear more dresses
38) Buy and eShaki dress
39) Buy a Shabby Apple dress
*sigh, almost, but no
40) Become a "regular" at a local coffee shop
*If you count the coffee shop on campus as "local" then I was VERY regular ;)
41) Make 5 things I pinned on Pinterest
*Um, probably
42) Buy more shoes
43) Try more hairstyles
*too busy
44) Fill my journals
45) Buy a pair of red rain boots
46) Make new friends
47) Buy something random and beautiful off of Etsy
48) Go to Mount Vernon at least once a month
*hahaha, nope
49) Start planning an overseas trip
*if dreaming counts as planning :)
50) Start saving for a car
*buying one this year hopefully
51) Wear more lipstick
*love lipstick now!!! :)
52) Keep my room clean
*a constant battle
53) Go to our local cupcake shop more often
*not really

Now for my 2013 To Do... I do love making lists... :) The essence of my goals for this year is to do more and love more. I have a *ahem* self-discipline issue sometimes and that translates into laziness. I want to DO more things... Not just fun things, but necessary things... Like dishes and laundry. I also am not the most compassionate person in the world... Meaning I am not always very considerate to the people around me. I want to change that this year... Or at least try... :)

1. Start learning French
2. Knit something
3. Sew something
4. Get a Circulation Aid job
5. Get volunteer hours at the library
6. Eat healthy... A Mediterranean-ish diet
7. Lose weight
8. Organize the garage
9. Stay a week at the beach
10. Start running
11. Memorize more Scripture
12. Read Les Miserables
13. Go dancing more often
14. See Catching Fire on opening night
15. Go to DC more often
16. Take a trip somewhere I have never been
17. Buy a Shabby Apple dress
18. Get on someone's "list"
19. Get all As
20.  Listen to more classical music
21. Learn more about Medieval history
22. Read Mere Christianity
23. Re-watch all 7 seasons of Doctor Who
24. Write letters
25. Journal more
26. Wear more eye shadow
27. Try a French macaroon
28. Learn more about French history and culture
29. Memorize world geography
30. Take Professor Brunner's Shakespeare class
31. Get a smart phone
32. Join Birchbox or Glossybox
33. Buy a nice watch
34. Buy a pair of wellies
35. Finish my Jane Austen book collection
36. Reach 100 posts on this blog
37. Go to Busch Gardens
38. Go ice skating
39. Buy a camera
40. Buy new bedding
41. See The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug on opening night
42. Maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA
43. Post semi-regularly on this blog
44. Re-watch Doctor Who
45. Improve my relationships with other people
46. Catch up with old friends
47. Identify the idols in my life
48. Go to a ball/dance
49. Expand my wardrobe
50. Read poetry
51. Wear scarves in summer
52. Frequent a local eatery
53. Buy a car
54. Organize all of my belongings
55. Do a video blog
56. Go on Twitter more
57. Try more vintage hairstyles
58. Watch more Old Hollywood films
59. Shop at J. Crew more
60. Buy something at Three Sisters for myself
61. Hang out in Old Town more
62. Go to Mount Vernon more
63. Walk the GW parkway more
64. Take up knitting again
65. Write down all the cool things that happen during the year and put them in a jar to be opened up at the end of the year

So much can happen in a year's time!!! I can't wait to see what 2013 holds!!! :)

I will put my 2013 To-Do on a tab up at the top of my blog page so that you can keep up with my progress throughout the year... :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I need to start running again, I was doing pretty good but the winter and moving kicked that habit in the butt!

I love most of your goals and may be stealing a few of them myself! =)